Posts Tagged ‘election law’

Court Allows Emanuel on Ballot for Chicago Mayor –

Court Allows Emanuel on Ballot for Chicago Mayor – This is an interesting decision, written by a court that appeared intent on chastising the lower appellate tribunal.  If the supreme court analysis of Illinois law was correct, this is a classic case of judicial activism.  Opinion here: Rahm Some excerpts from the decision below: […]

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Posted on January 27th, 2011 by Woodring Law, filed under Uncategorized

The Federalists, the Anti-Federalists, and the Constitution They Created

This was a busy, but intellectually rich weekend for me. On Friday I was in Orlando speaking at a Republican National Lawyers Association (RNLA) event on voter registration,early voting and absentee ballots, and pre- election legal challenges.  I then had to fly to Atlanta to participate in a symposium that was being co-hosted by the […]

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Posted on September 13th, 2010 by Woodring Law, filed under Uncategorized
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